Google Adsense Ads

6 years ago
Google announced on the AdSense blog a new "quality effort" they are rolling out. Before you can earn money from ads you place on web sites, you need to first add them to your verified sites section in AdSense and Google has to verify them. Google said that "before you can show ads on a new site, you now have to add the...

Does Adsense and Adwords Influence SEO?

6 years ago
I think it's a question that many of us have asked ourselves at some point. The short answer is very simple: a priori no, but in fact yes. The long answer is the one I want to address in this post. I am aware that I am not the first to discuss this topic but I find it interesting to share my experience in this regard and...

AdSense Youtube

7 years ago
Let's see today a brief post on Google AdSense YouTube to give you an idea of ​​how monetization works on this platform. The operation of AdSense on YouTube is similar to that of a website, but with a big difference in terms of the performance of the ads: they pay for CPM, and ads are not shown in all the videos. This...

Flippa agrega ingresos verificados de Google Adsense

7 years ago
Flippa, un mercado para sitios web y nombres de dominio, ha agregado una herramienta para verificar los números de ingresos de Google Adsense para sitios web. Todos vemos sitios en venta que reclaman enormes números de ingresos de Adsense. ¿Pero cómo sabes si la persona está diciendo la verdad? Es fácil falsificar...

Tips to earn more money with Google Adsense

7 years ago
Google Adsense is one of the best CPC advertising networks in the world. Google AdWords is used by advertisers to advertise their products and services. With strong competition, advertisers never hesitate to spend up to a few dollars per click and this is the reason why publishers love Google Adsense....

How and How Much Money Does Google AdSense Pay For Clicks And Impressions?

7 years ago
Read this post to find out how Google AdSense pays ad clicks and impressions on your blog or website. As bloggers it is convenient to understand the functioning of the monetization system: how much money, forms and dates of payments, etc. I know that many entrepreneurs in the blogging activity are wondering how Google...

Google AdSense Strategy: How to Charge More With Advertising?

7 years ago
Last week we received messages from several blog readers asking me for tips to earn more money with Google AdSense advertising and the truth is that we already have many articles on the subject, but today I give you several tips to create your own strategy. The fundamental thing is to know the functioning of AdSense: as...
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